most herbs have multiple effects as they contain many different compounds - perhaps that is causing some degree of confusion.
however, sida is primarily used as an antimicrobial - its one of the strongest herbs available for this.
i have tried many different herbs and can attest to sida being one of those that caused the strongest herx like reactions. ( i have lyme and highly suspect bart based on symptoms)
i don't think it repairs red blood cells - as such - once cells are infected or damaged they are normally taken out of circulation by the spleen or liver - and replaced by new ones - rather than repaired.
buhner writes that it helps protect red blood cells - i think this is by killing bacteria in the blood ( one of sida's main uses is in blood borne infections) so that they are less able to infect red blood cells in the first place.
buhner is a bit neutral on biofilms - feels they are an over emphasised part of treatment - and that all herbs inhibit and breakdown biofilms such that targeting them independently in unnecessary.
more recent research on bartonella points to the organism diverting the bodies clotting mechanisms and forming fibrin and maybe plasmin deposits - which may have been confused or confounded with the concept of biofilm in the past - recent protocols from Bart doctors like Dr M include fibrinolytic enzymes for breaking down these deposits.
sadly, sida on its own is not very likely to be curative for long standing bart infection in my view / experience
all of these infections suppress the immune system as a means of surviving long term - so simply killing some of them off doesn't usually result in a cure - the whole body health needs to be addressed
for this reason sida is usually used in combination with other herbs in a broader protocol - this is how herbal medicine is normally practiced - if going down this path i would highly recommended buhners book on bartonella
typically this includes
herbs to support the immune system - reduce inflammation, modulate immune function
herbs to support the organs typically damaged by bartonella - liver, lymph/spleen, circulation
etc etc
for bartonella sida and houttuynia are used together as a minimum
Post Edited (Garzie) : 10/29/2021 4:12:36 AM (GMT-6)