I do agree that the devil is in numbers. I suspect I had Bartonella at least 2 decades before getting first Lyme symptoms. It was slowly gaining territory every time I went through stressful episodes at work, lacked sleep or partied too hard. Perhaps once you get bitten by a tick, Borrelia helps to provide cover for all the other pathogens initially by taking the most of the immune system caused heat, letting BLO and friends "build trenches" and establish themselves permanently which will become beneficial later on - in chronic stage.
I've also realized Herxing is not necessarily good. People expect improvements post-Herx but it's not always the case. I guess we over-assume Herxing means killing pathogens but then there's the "blebbing" phenomenon and both Borrelia and BLO use it just the same way as helicopters use flares.
I was on Buhner's Borrelia + Bartonella + Babesia protocols at the same time for months. Now I started rotating some Buhner and non-Buhner herbs. Currently on:
- home-made liposomal 60mg MB in the morning, 60mg MB in the evening
- sida acuta 1:1 formulation, 6 drops
- houttuynia cordata 1:1 formulation, 6 drops
- cryptolepis 1:1, 6 drops - 1 week ON/OFF
- artemisia annua 1000mg for 3 days, 11 days OFF (just started the cycle lately)
- comarum palustre / filipendula ulmaria, 15 drops (unknown formulation, got that from a herbalist)
- eleuthero 1:1, 6 drops
- catalpa, 15 drops (unknown formulation, from herbalist)
- andrographis, 30 drops (as above). Used to take it as 1:1 , 6 drops
- 2x 250mg quercetin / day
- 2x 600mg hawthorn extract
- 2x 1000mg astragalus
- 2x 500mg monolaurin
I'm supposed to take juglans nigra tincture as well but for some reason I get flank pain when I take it. I suspect kidneys having issues with it (it's somewhat toxic to liver and kidneys). On the other hand, before I knew as much I so know now, I took Clindamycin for Lyme (before I knew it was Lyme) and while I felt better on it every day, it was the first time I understood what a flank kidney pain is and had to put it away.
For support it's:
- liposomal curcumin (home made formulation), 1tsp / day
- phosphatidylcholine 1 tablet / day (Mega PC-35, 1200mg Lecithin, out of which 420mg phosphatidylcholine)
- cod liver oil 1 tsp / day ( I often forget about
that one )
- black cumin seed oil cold pressed (1tsp / day. Tried 2x tablespoon / day but felt it was too strong on GI tract)
Since about
a week I started taking various enzymes: serrapeptase + lumbrokinase + bromelain + papain.
Last month my protocol was a bit different. There was no: artemisia annua, andrographis, comarum. Instead I had: polygonum cuspidatum, smoke tree (Cotinus coggygria, look it up, along with it's senolytic effects which might be important while treating Bartonella), calendula, paulownia, neem. I feel those three were better than artemisia + andrographis + catalpa (alongside the remaining parts of the protocol).
Also worth noting is the fact my main issue (apart from other, less annoying ones, thanks to MB) now is swelling of hands/fingers (previously only at night, now it also happens during the day). When I take Now Foods dewormer tincture which consists of: cloves, artemisia, black walnut - my fingers swell less and less every day but then I start getting flank pain again. Perhaps it's the extra pressure on my kidneys from filtering of large numbers of dead red blood cells/BLO debris and I should just push through that but I don't want to risk wrecking my kidneys.
Post Edited (wladek83) : 11/2/2021 1:04:11 PM (GMT-6)