i am very wary of all the new non-stick coatings that are in any way related to Teflon and its derivatives
even some of the coatings labelled as "Ceramic" seem to have some of this non-stick technology in it.
i am not a conspiracy theorist or easily spooked - so i don't say this lightly
but if you want to read or watch how - i think it was Dow Corporation ( the inventor and manufacturer of the original non-stick material Teflon) - dealt with the issue of toxicity of the teflon manufacturing process to its plant workers, town residents, farm animals in surrounding land, and the river next to its plant, you will understand why.
they knew what it was doing to people and decided it would be more cost effective to deny it and fight the legal battles than admit it and have to come up with something else. This was documented in internal meeting minutes - and only came to light because the documents were subject to disclosure order for a minor incident - otherwise we would never have known.
the way legislation allows big corporations to invent chemicals that have never been seen on the planet before - release them into the environment - often in huge quantities ( entire flocks of birds flying over the plant dropped dead from the toxic fumes) - making huge profits for the corporation - but with no responsibility to prove they are safe before hand - is a absolute travesty.
in fact the way it works is the public has to prove they are unsafe - after the fact - entirely backwards philosophy and allows the corporations to outsource the true cost of their products to the tax payer.
we create literally thousands of new chemicals and release them into the environment every single year.
many many of these chemicals have very unusual properties ( the reason no existing chemicals did the job and reason for their existence ) and no one knows what they do in the environment or to humans until 20-30yrs later.
my basic philosophy now is if it wasn't around when our grandparents were growing up - i think i can probably do without it - particularly in my food - so I generally try to avoid it. its the precautionary principal.
sorry that is probably not what you wanted to hear - but you did ask for opinions