saraeli said...
Despair, when the falls happen, is it like you feel completely normal and then boom! Your legs are as strong as noodles and you collapse, but stay conscious and can catch yourself with your hands, and then are fine afterward? Some folks on the email list were discussing this recently, and reported that it was a symptom that resolved with treatment.
Or is there some lightheadedness, tachycardia, blacking out, or other symptoms that might indicate it's postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS)?
The difference is that I cannot catch myself from falling . My legs literally go weak and I fall and my whole body goes to the ground . I have been diagnosed with Tachycardia however it’s not what causes me to fall . It’s neurological. Suddenly when I’m walking my legs go slow and heavy as if I can’t move forward and then afterwards my legs bend and I fall to the ground with my arms spread out and my head staring at the ceiling . Yeah my bartonella infection has become resistant to Stephen buhner herbal formula. I’ve been taking it for 1 year and bartonella has been hidden , I haven’t had problems from bartonella for like months and months suddenly it’s come back as soon as I get a very bad case of strep/ impetigo. My immune system goes to crap. I then developed Candida yeast infection from taking antibiotics and in fact as soon as I was pumped with Kerflex and taking Kerflex antibiotics for strep bartonella became more aggressive and my symptoms gone worse. I also develoed OCD I constantly can’t stop washing my hands. And if I’m not washing my hands I tap my fingers over and over or I scratch me head over and over and I can’t stop. I have no control. And my neck has been moving back and forth back and forth from meningitis. and spasms in my muscle my fingers , my arm
Literally twitching and spasing . And then when the nurse tried to help me up when I fell I literally raged I pushed her way saying don’t ****en touch me and I started yelling and curses through the whole hallway at the hospital screaming and angry then next thing you know it I develop bartonella cat scratch marks all over my back and it then fades away .