Girlie: re-read my capitalized comments.
Your Canadian, this is what its like in American:
In the US our Rx is usually never 100% ins covered; the the most expensive (not aforadable) has it. And co-pay (our out of pocket part price keeps escalating.
And In the US, health ins Rx coverage sometimes is more expensive than these discounts like Good Rx. Good Rx is an app or even printed coupon (for the cavemen out there) that hugly discounts the Rx cost.
50% off price is pretty common if you use that and pay out of pocket.
Yes, you read that right.
In the US, where the profits go from Rx is very wide. Everyone has their hands in it.
I personally met/ had long discussion with a recently retired "head honcho" of one of Americas top health insurances- he was the pharma/Rx program "#1 boss" in the US of that insurer. He told me how screwed up it is and that Good Rx bypasses some of the hands that getting our $. Unfortunately, the pharma its self makes way less on this too, so some refuse it.
US "healthcare" is all about
profits and maxxing out the average Joe/Jane. Pathetic.
Post Edited (astroman) : 2/11/2022 12:38:47 PM (GMT-7)