bro123 said...
Lymie24, how is your course going with Dr. J? Feel any improvements yet?
I am on the second week of treatment in my second round. MWF
The answer to your question is............YES! lol
Obviously there hasn't been a huge change, but I have noticed some improvements. In areas in which some of my of my worst symptoms reside such as neurological and heart/chest pain stuff I have already seen some positive progress. This has been great as constantly feeling like nervous system is on fire with tremors and overreactive along with feeling like you are going to have a heart attack every day can be quite anxiety inducing.
Some additional changes I have made myself that have seemed to help recently are:
*Checking out this guy's leaky gut protocol. GI/Leakt guy has been an issue for me for a long long time.
I haven't followed it strictly yet, but just referencing it in my food choices has made a positive differnce. Some things I have slowed down on that have seemed to help with is decreasing bananas, whole grain bread, Peanut butter sandwiches w/bread), stopping snacking on empty calories (saltine crackers are a big problem for me). In addition I have added in L-Glutamine, a supplement that contains beneficial gut compounds such as slippery elm, aloe vera, etc, digestive enzymes, and betaine hcl w/ pepsin.
I've been doing bone broth daily to break my fasts.
A supplement called "Cytokine Suppress" has seemed to work decently for inflammation for me lately. It has helped me reduce NSAID intake. In that same respect I've tried drinking more green tea.
On my own I added in some herbals for more support over the last two weeks. Hottunyia, Chinese Skullcap, and Cordyceps. I think I pushed too hard last week in addition to my regular protocol and know I've set myself into a pretty good flare. Trying to calm it down now.