running wild said...
Thanks for that information. I've mentioned this before, but there is no doubt whenever I feel worse, my gut is worse right there with it. Fatigue comes with more discomfort. Same with migraines or being off balance. No doubt strong ties.
yep - i suspect a good deal of the symptoms experienced in Lyme/bart / autoimmune etc are mediated by interactions between the immune system and things in the gut.
would be great if we could understand exactly what these interactions are and what to do about
them - other than the general stuff which is good for most people and their gut
-low stress
-moderate exercise
-real food
i have no found much by way of supplements or other interventions that seem to help with this gut disturbance issue - and mine is more upset than usual after a viral illness has caused a flare in gut symptoms - which as you say drives systemic symptoms
i think Betaine HCL helps a little - perhaps by improving digestion by lowering stomach pH and the increased acid allowing breakdown of more proteins from food ( which are antigens and so tend to be irritating to the immune system) - but the effect is mild even at 3 x 650mg per meal
eating even less carbs and veg than usual seem to help a little also - but i am already eating less than i would like for optimum health long term - and it doesn't seem to be a cure as such - just feeds the bugs less - so i think gives the immune system less of a load to handle
walking in nature - seems to settle it down a little when its at its most upset - possibly just the walking speeding up the peristaltic / self cleaning motion of the gut - something that gets damaged in SIBO / chronic illness
i haven't really found anything that can intervene and calm it down as a supplement or treatment - keep meaning to try quercetin in case its mast cell stabilising effects could help
similarly i keep meaning to look into cromolyn sodium - as its another mast cell stabiliser - in case that's a mechanism that might help - but wasn't sure if i could get it easily
not sure what other routes to try
- probiotics tend to make things worse
- prebiotics defo make things worse
- more fibre - also makes things worse
someone here has suggested anti-histamines seem to help them somewhat - but i'm not sure of the mechanism there
open to other suggestions