above is an interesting PDF for dealing with SIBO which is some times similar yet different than candida diets. The Doctor who made this up seems to think this is a little more refined and easier than staying away from FODMAP food groups. I guess I will be experimenting. He’s also assuming that this is for people that do not have gluten sensitivity.
There are more than a few gut related posts right now, this PDF may be interesting info for a few people.... veterans here and newbies.
The following Information for gut challenged veterans pretty much ends right there though.
For newbies here with either condition, what you can and cannot eat becomes very confusing. First of all , foods can be offending in many different ways. Allergic reactions, sensitivities, and foods that feed gut flora, are three different things, but sometimes they overlap and are the same, Depending on your body.
I thought I’d give a candida and SIBO basic information for people who have not yet dealt with the stuff below:
1)Candida as far as I know its almost always upper digestive tract - your stomach and your esophagus and mouth and is a yeast overgrowth. It creates a lot of bloating and gas but feels higher up In your digestive tract. if it goes all the way up in your mouth, you get white thrush that’s a giveaway that you have it. But it can get into your bloodstream too. Conventional medicine seems to think that if candida gets in your bloodstream you will almost die. This is very rare, And you would have to have a lot of it. Many people can get traces of candida in their bloodstream - enough to get antibodies against it in a standard blood test, and although they may feel sick they are not anywhere near dying. Natural path or functional medicine knows the real truth., And how common it actually is. This feeds on sugar and carbs in the first part of your digestive tract. A candida diet is easy to google.
2)SIBO, is small intestine bacterial growth. Pretty simple.The small intestine should not have enough nutrition in it to feed an overgrowth of bacteria. But then in some people this happens. Instead of just killing the SIBO you really need to figure out how and Why it developed. Or else it will just repeat.
It’s funny how the term SIBO is pretty popular in functional medicine. However it does not appear on the surface in “conventional medicine “ labeling / Termanology, instead they often times call it IBS. And then will say the problem with IBS is either slow mobility, or foods fermenting in your intestines, or both together. which part of that is SIBO.
So the main problem with SIBO is what feeds it - which is easily fermentable foods and certain sugars. These are easily fermentable in some cases because they are hard for you to digest so they end up in the small intestine., Where they can become food for SIBO.
Some people do not have the proper enzymes, body chemicals ect to digest FODMAP foods or what this PDF above shows ; additional fermentable foods. And some FODMAPs are not digestible (the sugars and chemicals in them) by anyone- yet SIBO will love them. There is an overlapping area between both.
The degree at which both are fermentable in the same person can also depend on what you eat before them. Any particular foods that you know about
that slows down your digestive tract followed by fermentable foods can create problems as these fermentable foods will be moving even slower through your digestive tract creating food for SIBO to live off of. If you for some reason cannot digest meat very good and then follow it by high fermentable foods, this is also the perfect path to lead to SIBO.
If you eat some of this a little bit of time it might not be a big deal. If you eat these over a period of a week, or one big feast that has pretty much a bunch of this, that can just multiply the possibility of it happening.
We do not really talk about
FODMAP or fermentable foods here very often that is why I posted this. : )
(Disclaimer : l am obviously not a doctor this is just what I’ve learned , took me a long time to figure out and I wish there was a post on both year’s ago. This is for informational purposes , you can Google to find out more. I think it’s pretty accurate but none of us here are 100% accurate)
If you have any good info to add please do.
Post Edited (astroman) : 7/23/2022 7:51:41 PM (GMT-7)