hello and welcome - and congratulations on your first post!
i also have lyme and bartonella and can relate very much to your experience
well done on working out your own diagnosis, self treating and getting your symptoms under control - that's is no mean feat - and the fact that you are able to make this kind of progress bodes very well for recovery
i have also been treating with mainly herbs, in fact many of the same ones as you are using and making progress - not quite to the point of being able to go back to work yet - but not far away.
in terms of herx type reactions
sida and cryptolepis were some of the strongest for me also
houttuynia was also strong for me - but the dose is much higher than the others - approx. 3x as much for similar reactions - this is in line with Buhner's dosing guide so makes sense
having managed to definitively diagnose myself with bartonella via Microscopy recently - i also experimented lumbrokinase - in an effort to address Fibrin deposits and biofilms that were so prevalent in my blood in the microscopy slides - see my microscopy thread for more on that if its of interest - here
https://www.healingwell.com/community/default.aspx?f=30&m=4268122&p=4i had a v similar experience to you - a sudden and long lasting flare of symptoms that took around 2 weeks to fully settle down.
in my case i was aware lumbrokinase is a very strong fibrinolytic enzyme ( a fibrinolytic enzyme is an enzyme that breaks down fibrin - one of the clotting proteins in the human body that is typically dramatically over stimulated in bartonella infection ) - and also has lytic activity against some of the proteins found in bacterial extracellular matrix ( these are the proteins that bacterial build biofilms from - something different to fibrin)
for this reason i had first taken a weaker fibrinolytic agent - Bromelain - for 6 weeks before switching to lumbrokinase.
i had worked up to 2x 3000gdu of bromelain per day ( 2 doctors best brand capsules) - before trying 1x 360,000lumbrokinase units of lumbrokinase ( a single Doctors Best brand capsule )
based on the strength of reaction - i would say the lumbrokinase capsules are 4-8x as strong as the bromelain per capsule - it was too much for me and i had to stop after 3-4 days.
it seems - this kind of reaction is not uncommon - even for people with lyme etc who are part recovered or near fully functional.
one of the best known LLMD's Dr J who some of the members here see - has described giving biofilm agents to some of his higher functioning patients during his early trials of biofilm agents - and being inundated with scared and confused patient reporting dramatic flares of symptoms - so he now ramps these up more gradually - but includes them in all his protocols.
perhaps take a break from them till things have settled and then start either a less strong one - like bromelain - or try
opening the lumbrokinase capsules and taking only a fraction at a time and gradually build up at a rate you can tolerate
this worked with bromelain for me - initially i could only tolerate a 1/2 capsule every other day - but i got to 2 capsules in around 2 months and saw dramatic improvements in the fibrin / biofilm deposits in my blood in over that time.
a good deal of your symptoms are a good fit for bartonella - or something v similar
-POTS.( its a form of autonomic disfunction typically associated with auto-immune neuropathies from bart and lyme)
-high blood pressure. (lyme and all co-infections can do this - but bart is one of the key ones as it infects the cells that line the blood vessels damaging them - and also creates teh fibrin deposits as mentioned above - which restrict blood flow)
-peripheral neuropathy. ( lyme and bart seem most highly associated )
-strange and different rashes that would come and go, some have stayed for years.(v typical of bart)
-severe discolouration of hands with livedo reticularis when standing.(a typical bart sign - poss also rickettsia )
-heart palpations.( defo bart - poss lyme and babs, brucella, ricketsia etc also )
-air hunger.( typiclaly more associated with Babesia )
-headaches. ( all of them)
-disrupted sleep, waking up at three am on the dot.( again all of them disrupt sleep i have had this early awakening also)
-hard to explain this one but on my worst days, I feel like my blood is poison. It prickles and tingles and just feels awful. Trying to explain this to naturopaths and doctors Ive always been told oh that's just anxiety or your thyroid. But my gut instinct told me it wasn't. ( sounds like it could be neuropathy related-or sticky blood related )