The Dude Abides said...
However, I now have concerns about high-fat diets. This is a new development for me, after several years of eating a high-fat (not ketogenic) diet.
i had concerns about
high fat diets also
we have been inundated with information about
fat and heart disease risk for decades - so much so that its ingrained in the western culture
and there are real studies in rodents correlating poor health outcomes with fat intake
it took me some time to figure out that there are fats - and then there are fats
feeding mice high fat chow with added industrially produced seed oils - is not the same as increasing the fat content in a human diet with unprocessed fats like animal fat, olive oil, coconut oil, nuts etc - ie things we would have eaten before the industrialised age
in fact no one has shown a link between high fat diets using these type of fats and things like heart disease - in fact ketogenic diets have been shown to reverse metabolic syndrome and other health conditions that lead to cardiovascular disease
it turns out that most of messaging that health policy makers have been churning out over the last 30 years has been built on poor science, and people trying to make a name for themselves etc etc
i would like to be able to expand my fibre intake to diversify my plant based intake for the benefits to my overall health via the diversity it creates in the microbiome - but thats just not an option for me while my gut is inflamed and disturbed by infection - so that will have to wait a while.
my ex had worse gut issues than me - and it helped her dramatically - so i wonder if that a predictor of who will benefit the most.
for me - i had gut issues - but fatigue was the biggest issue - it helped that improve by i think around 30-40% in just a few weeks.
for what its worth - i think of it as basically taking a load off the immune system - as the immune system is no longer fighting all the inflammation caused by an inflamed upset gut - 60% of our immune system resides in the gut lining and all the lymph nodes that surround it - so this makes a lot of sense to me - and it helps mitochondria work better also
there is no getting away from the fact that it takes effort - so it is absolutely natural for your brain to come up with reasons for not doing it - mine did.
i would say - just make a commitment to do it for 1 month - and not second guess that till the month is up - then decide if you feel better for it