saraeli said...
What is the status of your housing situation? Is it possible to relocate to somewhere with no mold exposure?
I can't imagine the ER being any help at all, and if your sensitivities are anything like mine (and it sounds like they are) then the stress, overstimulation, chemicals, and ignorance there are likely to cause a flare and make you feel worse. Perhaps I missed it when I read your post, but is there a particular symptom you want the ER to check out? They might be willing to check your heart or give you an MRI for the headaches. All they will do is see if you seem likely to die imminently, and if you're not, then they send you to your regular doctor. They will not accomplish anything comprehensive or diagnostic, won't provide any sort of treatment plan, and will have no idea what mycotoxins, tick-borne co-infections, or mast cell activation syndrome are, let alone how to treat them. It's really very disappointing!
Do you have a dentist you trust? My dentist told me about the Carifree products (mouthwashes and toothpaste) to stop further decay from inside of your mouth, but I would consult with a good holistic dentist you trust about ways to prevent decay in the roots of your teeth. I know tooth loss is terribly unsettling.
I found Neil Nathan's suggestions extremely helpful for reducing my level of sensitivity and resolving most of my symptoms. Sounds like you have read his work as well, but maybe you didn't find it helpful?
Yes, absolutely! So I thought I would split these responses apart and say that this is something I am working on. Right now, I barely get by. I do all I can to buy the organic produce I need and it's tough considering currently where I live I cannot grow my own food. I can't wait to get out of here, but that's the plan this year. Once schooling is done, we plan on saving to eventually buy a home, but renting might come sooner, depending on if we can get at least 20% on housing, but the market is awful right now, so... yeah. But we'll see what happens with that. I am already working on looking for homes in the area, as I know it is a loooong process. I also know that to do it right you have to look and look and look. Stepping right in can cause a lot of problems. Best move for us is to aim for a new home and get some land. Just enough for a great big garden and a greenhouse. We've been looking into getting a modular home, particularly because most are built to last with higher-end materials and the value has been shown to stay up (as opposed to mobile homes, for instance). The beauty of these means we have control, and I'll know where everything is in the home. I'm actually really excited about
this too. I love to tinker with things and I have so many ideas already. There's gonna be lots of water sensors wherever there's a chance of water dripping. I am gonna be using specific materials to help reduce mold. Hell, I am gonna avoid using wood on for the countertops lol. It's a dream right now though. Realistically, you've got a home that's... what? $150,000-$200,000 for a little guy (I prefer small anyways), then a septic which can vary but let's say $20,000 for a good one, a $10,000 foundation or a basement for $30,000, then taxes, then taxes and let's not forget interest! Thankfully, I learned my way around finance when I was young, and got an early start on my credit and we've also been working on hers (which is doing well!) so this is all good. Keeping our fingers crossed on this. Don't want to jinx it with somebody telling me how bad something is lol. I already know all the worry with these kinds of places, just gotta take the right steps and that's what matters. I could honestly talk about
this stuff for hours, I love it! This IS the biggest step in the right direction, I'm sure.
As far as the ER, it is mostly because of the increase in symptoms lately. Since I am not taking anything and nothing has changed in my routine, it's been concerning. I mean, it's concerning that my teeth are breaking (and turning brown/black), as well as the fact that I've got stiff neck/back, my sinus pressure has been worse, my face and jaw hurt, etc. Symptoms like this could indicate something to do with a tooth infection, and those can become serious, I just don't know where I'm at with it. My teeth started cracking back in May/June of 2022, but now they are changing color and it's getting serious as far as pain and color. Also, I've got spots in the back of my throat that were not there before. I did make an appointment with my primary, but might have to get in somewhere sooner. I also rather have more than one opinion on this kind of things. Being looked at is fine, but the treatment is what I worry about
. Again, water of all things makes me freak out. I'm sure so many people shake their heads to such a thing, but we have to think deeper about
it. Any change can affect anything in the body at any moment. When we have cells that are on high alert
, it's easy for them to be tricked into believing that water is dangerous. I've been researching about
the cell danger response since 2021 and even beforehand I was aware of the name from reading (circa 2018), just never looked deeper into it. Well, now I know, and anyone who doesn't have it definitely doesn't want it.
I do not have a dentist currently. The one I had had his lice revoked a some years back and I have not seen him since 2018. He removed my root canal because it was hurting back in 2018, and then put it back in. That right there could have been a problem for me, being that he likely didn't properly sterilize the equipment (he got in trouble for this more than once, apparently). I have been looking around and I do have one that's about
an hour away, but they told me that they have trouble treating those with mast cell activation. Interesting, considering they are a holistic practice. They likely don't know much about
it? But they know of the dangers of root canals as well as amalgam fillings, and so they use SMART and some other things like weighted blankets, quieter drills, etc. All in all, any dentist will do right now being how bad my teeth are looking and feeling.
So I have checked those out but the ingredients have me worried. Polysorbate 20 and some other things in there have me on the fence. There's research that suggests both sides of these ingredients, not to mention those with MCAS really have a hard time with some of this stuff. As a matter of fact, I am supervised nobody has ever mentioned MastCell360 on here. Is anyone aware of it? They seem to be one of the only ones that really show how bad this stuff gets, but also back their findings up with research. They go into extreme depth about
a lot of this, but most importantly, I feel like their information is some of the only stuff that really resonates with me and makes me feel like I am not crazy lol. Speaking of Neil Nathan's suggestions, they have stuff they've put out together. They've worked together before. All of these people are in the same area of focus, which is great. Again, surprised nobody is talking about
this? I know of a ton of mold and MCAS docs now, which is great, but it really sucks that I'm too afraid to start on treatment because my brain thinks everything is dangerous. I've done limbic system retraining, vagal nerve exercises, meditation, etc. You name it. Guess I just gotta get ballsy and take a pinch of activated charcoal soon and just slowly increase. What else is there at this point? And to those who might want som help with specific detox for mold, I can post below. Again, I have the info, just too afraid to use it due to how bad I feel when I do anything. Nobody likes to feel like they're stuck on an acid trip, am I right?