running wild said...
So many new symptoms are happening between Sjogrens and what test and doctor believe are Lyme (TBRF and Bartonella. Also, I'm feeling like Babesia, though it tested negative, may be playing a part.
In mornings, I wake up very dizzy and legs feel a but tight. They also fatigue easier but are still strong. Exercise makes me out of breath easier, even though oxygen saturation is very good at rest and while exercising (between 96 - 100 resting and never below 90 during exercise). It goes right back to high 90s or 100 after exercising.
Old symptom that has been back for a few weeks is a really bad, sick feeling between about 3:00 pm and 7:00 pm. Only difference is no fever this time around.
I feel the walls closing in between all this and have doubts I can ever find my way out. Sleeping is such a release. Dread the mornings.
My LLMD wants me to take LDN for the Sjogrens, and I've struggled with it in past. Also wants me to learn how to use this Spooky2 Generator X I've had for years and have never grasped using it. Wants me to also to begin taking herbs again that he wants me to order.
Finally, he has said if this doesn't work, stem cells would be last hope. I don't even know if I can get through the protocol he wants me on. Just so weary of years and years of trying and seeing only worse symptoms. No doubt, the Sjogrens neuropathy is really hard to deal with and makes me nervous.
Sorry to read that you’re not doing well, running wild.
Have you ever treated babesia?
If not maybe you should consider it.
My llmd treats everyone for Babesia.
My LLND wasn’t licensed to prescribe anti- malarials and although I improved a lot under his care - I plateaued.
Then I went to Dr J who treats all patients for Babesia. And I am in remission.
Testing isn’t always accurate - a negative test can be a false negative. (I know you know this)
I know you have to be careful with your kidneys - maybe there is a Babs treatment that you could try.
Is it possible for you to be able to take Mepron - not daily - maybe 3 days per week? Take it for one week and take a couple weeks off.
And then do another round.
(It should be paired with an antibiotic.)