i have not checked if my glucose actually spikes - but i would think so as this is part of the physiologic stress response to cortisol - so its kind of supposed to
i think its actually part of the mechanism by which chronic stress contributes to type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome. i used to work with a guy that had a super high constant cortisol level all of the time - and after 10 years he developed metabolic syndrome
but his was high all the time - pretty much never coming down - whereas mine is normally OK -probably even low much of the time - judging by how slow and rough my mornings typically are and just gets exaggerated spikes once in a while
i wanted to add that i think the mental aspect has a great deal to do with whether it goes up and stays up - or comes down pretty quickly again.
to try and give an example- a bit like the one above where things ramped up but then came to a head - that was usually way easier to deal with afterwards - than something that flared up and then ended in a v unsatisfactory manner.
why should that be? - what was the difference?
in one it was more "done and dusted" - in the other i was likely to mither over what i should have done differently, could have done, wish i had done etc -
and in that situation one is running over the stressful event in ones mind over and over - the brain doesn't really care about
the difference / whether its just re-living it in your imagination - re-living it still spikes the stress hormones output - or at least maintains it.
the quote "its not the snake that bites you that does the damage - its chasing that snake that drives the poison home"
i am by nature generally, v calm, logical - but I noticed that getting out of the re-living it cycle is much much harder with an inflamed lyme brain as in the first few years of my illness - the slightest argument could knock of course for days sometimes
i still get it from time to time-
eg when herxing and brain is inflamed again
for example- I was herxing from treatment the other day and on my daily walk and someone's out of control dog ran at me from 30 yards away and went for my face - i pretty much lost it with the owner - and kind of surprised myself too - adrenaline was through the roof! )
but generally its much better now