running wild said...
I wonder how many tried LDN but had to stop due to side effects. Or if people found it helped.
Every time I tried it, after three days I would get migraines and unstable mood. . Same with hydroxychloroquine. Really need to try on or other but haven’t gotten through those barriers.
its best viewed as a highly unusual radically different medication than just an anti-inflammatory
i had useful results from it - but its well known that those who are suffering from auto-immune disease - or are generally reactive need to go super low and slow with a very individualised treatment approach
i am only moderately sensitive and had to start at fractions of a milligram a day and increment by only 1/100ths of a milligram every few days to manage the adverse reactions during the ramp up phase.
very few doctors - even alternative or functional doctors get this and tend to put patients on too high a dose from the start - or just put them on a fixed dose - which is not how LDN is supposed to be used if you read on the LDN research trusts website
so while you have "tried it" - i wonder if you have tried it as its meant to be used - or just "as prescribed"
if i was a v sensitive patient like you RW - i would start on 0.01mg per day and edge up from there
all of the benefits come in the ramp up phase so its not about
getting to target dose that matters