Many people do not believe in anything until they experienced them themselves. Unfortunately, this seems to be the nature of many human beings. It’s an eye-
I’m not sure Lyme disease will ever be widely noticed. I live in Northern central US wherelyme is nearly as common as it was/is in Lyme Connecticut. Many counties in northern small towns will have lyme on their website in the spring time. Yet many doctors still think it’s bogus. I just read somewhere that five or less percent of conventional medicine Doctors acknowledge what chronic Lyme disease can do to you or the fact that It can even develop into a chronic problem. This is 2024 people wake up!
In my experience when going to a conventional medical doctor, it’s usually the nurses that you see beforehand that actually believe in it because they knew somebody with it. The doctors themselves usually have no comment which says they don’t believe it.
They Only believe they’re taught medical school , they believe nothing else. That’s the problem, and their egotistical personalities.
Post Edited (astroman) : 5/18/2024 3:56:14 PM (GMT-8)