denis_shu said...
Hello everyone. Thank you for reading this. On May 9, I was bitten by a tick, 4-5 days later I felt a pulling pain in the shoulder area, in the triceps muscle area, this pain was in the skin, muscle and it felt like it affected the bone. I didn't attach much importance to it. The next day, the pain appeared in the area of the other shoulder, in approximately the same place, only less severe. I went to the doctor, she prescribed a lyme test, but the result showed the presence of only LgM P23, she also gave a referral to a rheumatologist and I passed tests for most autoimmune diseases, as I had previously been worried about pain in the joints of my knees and feet. After a week, I began to feel worse, I started having cold night sweats, I began to feel pain in my ribs, rib muscles, rib endings, as well as spot pains in other muscles. Some of them appear and pass, some do not pass. I also suffered a lot of stress a month before this started happening to me. I passed all the blood tests, my doctors assured me that it was not an autoimmune disease. I don't have inflamed lymph nodes, at least not visible ones. I went to the hematologist, she said I was fine. Sorry for the English, I'm just learning. At the moment, 1.5 months have passed, I feel very tired, night sweats also accompany me, pain in different muscles, some symmetrical, pain in small joints. Where there is pain in the muscles, it feels like both the ligament and the bone are hurting. I drank an antibiotic for Lyme for 20 days, then passed the lyme test again, all LgG and LgM are negative. All doctors shrug their hands, as blood tests are in the average values. Any ideas?
I suggest you find a LLMD to treat you.
Band 23 is Lyme specific.
I encourage you to seek out a Lyme literate doc and make an appointment.
The sooner… the better.