as per the title
Monica Embers is a well respected researcher at Tulane University - who specialises in research of tick born infection in non-human animal models of disease
in recent years she has been funded by people like Bay Area Lyme, the Cohen foundation, as well as some limited funding from the US NIH - and had been trying to fill the gap in our knowledge around which combination antibiotics are effective in humans - or by nearest proxy - in non-human primates is very important work - as so far we only have mainly test tube based studies on antibiotic combination effectiveness - and we know that these test tube studies do not translate well to live animals or humans - because
the bacteria may exist in places inside the host that do not get the full concentration of antibiotics used in the test tube trials and because the bacteria themselves often adapt to the host environment in complex ways.
controlled trials are therefore needed to establish the best treatments
it was also encouraging to hear that her team are now also starting to focus on Bartonella