Dear friends,
thanks for your answers. Yes, I can see the complexity of testing for persistent bart. In Czech republic there is a (probably EU funded) grant for national reference lab for lyme borreliosis, funded research project of testing for bart of both serology and PCR. I think they are using quite good and precisely methodology. I was told that their rate of confirming positivity is rather low. That would be confirming what Garzie has been saying here and in the other tread too. I guess once the study is over, they will publish results of their findings.
In any case it is not easy to navigate through overlaping symptoms of possibly lyme and bart, so probably keep close observation of symptoms in the long run as well as short run, as Garzie suggested in the other tread, is wise and helpful.
Probably I should be persistent too (just like our friends lyme and bart are
), and to preserve slowly and consitently with taking medication, keeping protocol, disicipline, diet and keep it going with slow, yet steady pace....