Bhava123 said...
- As for pulsing abx, isnt there a danger of any of bacteria develop resistance?
there is a great deal of misunderstanding in the general public around antimicrobial resistance
in host anti microbial resistance development is very rare and very little studied - as
if it does happen its a v difficult thing to catch happening.
its a different thing to general antimicrobial resistance and spread through a population - which is what is normally meant by the term antimicrobial resistance.
for example - in the most famous case - a mutation occurred in a staphylococcus bacteria in India 10 years or more years ago causing it to become resistant to multiple antibiotic drugs. this was termed methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and is now present in many countries - not because it has spontaneously evolved in those new
locations - but because the original mutated organism has been transported by people from place to place. this is how antimicrobial resistance works
the medical establishment try to discourage over use of antibiotics - not because there is a high risk of developing antimicrobial resistance in any single patient - but because if done millions of times all around the world - it increases the probability of a mutation happening somewhere in the world that renders a bacterium, fungus or protozoa resistant to antimicrobials - and then these resistant microbes get transmitted to more and more countries over time causing problems for healthcare systems.
there is a lot of fear in general in the chronic illness community - and people who are fearful are often biased to believe the worst possible outcomes are happening to them - and for this reason often assume they have developed antimicrobial resistance to one of more drugs - say, if their treatment doesn't appear to be moving forward as they had hoped - when in fact you can see from the above example this is in fact an extremely infrequent event - happening around once a decade for any given bacteria after millions of doses of antibiotics in the whole world - rather than after a few weeks or months in any given individual.
the general principle used to prevent in host antimicrobial resistance from forming - even at the population level - is to use several antibiotics at once - as the chances of an organism mutating in such a way as to defeat 2 or 3 different
antimicrobial mechanisms of action simultaneously are much much smaller than just
one. this is advisable for the treatment of any chronic infection.
in addition - many lyme doctors pulse antibiotics now - including some of the
best known and trusted - eg Dr J - Dr SP and now Dr H - as far as we know
without any obvious resistance issues - and again they are pulsing multiple abx.
Bhava123 said...
- In the abx off-period, does any take any Buhner herbs or these are to be avoided? And supplements?
i have not seen any research on this - to my knowledge its not been done
some people stop all antimicrobials in the off periods - some continue antimicrobial herbs and other supplements in the off periods
kind regards