Bhava123 said...
Quinn, I seem to have also issues with endothelium, but I have always attributed it to bart. I thought lyme can't give concrete symptoms worsening that fast, within few days.
I initially assumed it was bart too, but after successfully treating bartonella I still had problems with endothelial inflammation, and research has shown that borrelia can get inside the endothelial cells: said...
In any case this time I had really painful start of abx in terms of pain in my head, liver, sides. Strangely enough it was different to previously ever experienced herx which was more flu-like all-over-the-body dull pain.
I'm guessing this is because of metronidazole. Unlike the bacteriostatic antibiotics (eg amoxicilin/cefuroxim/rifampicin) borrelia seems not to detect cytotoxic drugs like metronidazole. It will not form cysts or round bodies, but will move around and damage the endothelium and then cause a huge inflammatory response when it dies.
Be careful with antifolates (dapsone) if you have MTHFR mutation or blood tests show high homocysteine. You might want to try a lower dose of dapsone, and then hit borrelia with nucleoside analogues instead to block its DNA polymerase. Just be aware that this can trigger a bad inflammatory response as you found with metronidazole. Obviously dapsone can block the DNA polymerase by itself, but this requires a high dose.