Bhava123 said...
Hi Garzie,
how are you recognizing MCAS in your experience? Which specific symptoms distinguish it from herx, herx-type of reactions, or from other say general immunity responses?
Best wishes,
hi Bhava
i'm not really an expert on this - not having dug into it deeply -others here like Saraeli have much more real world experience and knowledge of the subject
i know its a big problem for a lot of people in the lyme and bartonella patient communities - and that the more obvious red flags are flares of symptoms, often debilitating, shortly after exposure to things like
perfumes, chemicals, sometimes certain foods etc
however treatment can also trigger it, response can be delayed a day or so and there is a good deal of overlap with other issues so it is often far less straightforward to untangle
hopefully Sara will see this and chip in
in the meantime if i recall - i seem to remember The Dude Abides kindly posted a link to a free copy of The Lyme Times that was dedicated to MCAS ( it has been on my reading list for a while as i would like to know more about
it myself- but i have not got to it yet )
i hope its of some help
a search with "MCAS" and "The Dude" may well bring it up