Hello and welcome
sorry to hear you are dealing with this - it can be so distressing
i don't recall much discussion of Rife here on the forum lately
there has been some in the past - you might find those using the search bar - top right of the page
regarding the frequencies
as far as i am aware - all research suggesting that morgellons is caused by a new bacteria or other so far undiscovered microbe, fungus etc - including suggestions of "insect DNA" etc being found - have been discredited
the latest science have read on the subject indicates that its simply one of the many manifestations of an infection with borrelia species ( lyme disease ) - and similar fibre forming diseases are already known in borrelia infections in animals. who gets this manifestation may be connected with their general genetic makeup - of possibly connected with a co-existing infection with other bacteria like bartonella.
so i would focus on these for the purposes of trialing Rife to see if it will help
the fibres, skin extrusions, and inclusions are now known to be made of keratin - the same substance as our hair or fingernails are made from - which a naturally occurring protein in the human body.
it in itself is not the real problem. The problem is just an indication of something upstream triggering cells to make this protein in an uncontrolled way.
the exact steps by which this occurs are not yet well understood - but infection with lyme and perhaps likely other infections seems to be a pre-requisite. bartonella has what's known as a type 4 secretion system which is able to alter the cellular instructions inside host cells - and this is why it is suspected by some to be involved in the development of Morgellons, alongside borrelia - although this has not been proven yet.
because its established that systemic infection is the underlying cause - its important to emphasise systemic infection treatments ( of which Rife is one ) rather than topical only approaches which patients sometimes resort to - thinking its merely a skin condition.
also - as Loski eluded to - because its a systemic infection at its root - anything you can do to support the regulation and function of your immune system - for example through lifestyle interventions like improved diet, exercise, sleep, stress reduction and mental health improvements - will help your bodies immune system better fight the infection and thereby aid recovery.
other resources that may be of help:
one of the largest discussion threads on Rife i have come across is on lymenet - i will try to find a link for you
https://flash.lymenet.org/scripts/ultimatebb.cgi/topic/1/88778? - its a huge thread
the Charles E Holman foundation for Morgellons
https://thecehf.org/patient-resources/ Ginger Savely - Nurse practitioner and Morgellons treatment specialist - she seems to be one of the few people who specialise in its treatment and i believe has co-authored scientific papers on the topic - so seems to have a good understanding and fact based approach
https://gingersavely.com/ I hope its of some help
all the best!