Posted 5/10/2012 7:50 PM (GMT -5)
I was diagnosed with migraine condition 8 years ago and was originally placed on Verapamil (?) for it. That stopped working for me and I did not like the medication that I was given in it's place, so I came off everything. I was originally diagnosed with migraine condition, due to dizziness and memory problems. ( I was about 35 years old at the time) I saw several neurologists and they all felt that it was normal and that I simply led a "stressed" lifestyle. I did not agree, but all testing came back normal. Over the years, the memory issues have become worse and I now have the headaches, as well. I can typically keep the headaches under control with over the counter medication, but not this time! I am on week #8 of a migraine headache that will NOT go away.... I go to bed with it and I wake up with it.....On a pain scale from 1 to 10, it usually lingers around a 4 to 5. (Although sometimes it will lower to a 3 or I get days where it is almost unbearable at an 8 or a 9) The pain is in my forehead and I am sensitive to light and sound. Over the past two months I have seen two family physicians and two neurologists; My family physician has performed blood work to confirm that my thyroid is okay and I have no underlying infection. My first My neurologist performed an MRI, which came back normal and put me on Topiramate 3 weeks ago, no success yet. My 2nd neurologist tried sterioid injections / pills and that only made matters worse. At this point all of the doctors have thrown their hands up in the air and pretty much told me that they don't know what to do with me! I don't know where to turn for some relief and I am looking for ANY recommendations!
BTW - I have also had deep muscle therapy performed and chiropractic adjustments, thinking that it may be helpful.