Posted 7/13/2014 5:41 PM (GMT -5)
Thank you again. To update you, I met with the head/neck specialist on Thursday (and learned he is not an MD but actually DDS) and I was very happy with him. I have seen so many doctors & specialists over the past year but if anyone is going to help me it's this guy. His name is Steven Graff Radford at Cedars Sinai in Los Angeles.
Anyway, he did a thorough examination of my head, jaw & neck, he read through all of my previous doctors' notes, and came to the clear conclusion that medication simply does not work for me. Therefore he is taking a more natural route with my sensitive self, and has put me on a supplement diet. Every day he wants me to take 400 mg Magnesium with 400mg Riboflavin, along with 1g of salt tablets to raise my low blood pressure (usually 90/60 so i often feel lightheaded). Since I am so sensitive I decided to try half of the riboflavin dose for now because it is something i have never taken before (unlike magnesium which i was already regularly taking 250mg a day).
Friday i began with 400mg Magnesium, 200mg Riboflavin and the 1g of salt and it REALLY helped my head. I could tell. It took off 50% of the pressure s that instead of feeling a level 4-6 headache it was about a steady 3 (even went down to a 2 for a bit). The only issue was that it upset my stomach but I figured by day 2 it would be fine. So yesterday, day 2, I took the same dosages and noticed it was wreaking more havoc on my stomach so I decided I need to taper down a bit lower again. I attributed the stomach/digestive issues to the magnesium, so today, day 3, I took 250mg Magnesium, 200 mg Riboflavin and 1g salt. Unfortunately the headache is worse today as opposed to the last 2 days, although my stomach is better. It's too bad you can never seem to win with any kind of pills. Having said that, I may take something for my stomach, or just take the dose I'm on now for another several days until my stomach settles more before upping the dosages again to what he originally recommended.
Other than that, he really recommends botox for me. I told him my issues with it and he said not to worry about it. And honestly I don't have much else to lose at this point. I will probably get Botox in a couple weeks. My questions for you are 1. What did it feel like? I am a bit afraid of the pain even though I have many piercings and have had many sessions of acupuncture which probably feels similar to botox injections. 2. How did you feel the days after you had Botox done? Were you able to move your head? Were you in worse pain? How long did it take to feel your head/neck back to normal again etc.
Thank you!