I was diagnosed with migraines. The doctor said I have had them since I was young. Well I don't remember that . Ur he said well you wouldn't because migraines cause lost of memory. In 2009 I was diagnosed with fibromyaglia. It got worse over the years and the more I think about
it i use to put a heating pad on the back of my neck and on my head. In 2012 I had a fall if which I fractured my back and cause sacrum problems with a nerve. Fractured my tail bone. I just iced my back that night and went to work the next day. Need mind you I was already on pain pills but felt pain in my back. Just thought it was muscular . I was going threw a bad divorce and kept going cause I had bills. A year later when I finally got diagnosed with my back. And whipped my neck. Don't remember hitting my head on the stairs. This occurred in my basement. Then I was diagnose w post concussion syndrome and now PTSD. So I am on a lot of meds. But I get migraine every day . Since then from the fall my fibro got intensely worse. So for my migraines I take topamax daily. Sumatrphan and diflocen sodium if needed. Well the sumatrpban works well but the insurance only covers 9 pills a month. I wish I could take them every day. I have had nerve block shots and botox shots for a year until the last nerve blocks gave me three bald spots on back if my head. So in due time my primary told me to go to a radiology place to have my nerves reset. It is sulllse to lessen your migraines. They place a catheter up both nostrils and put lidacaine on them. It was a difficult procedure for me as I have anxiety . I get so depressed because of all my pain. I don't like taking antidepressants because they make me tired and bring me down. I take xanax and that helps to level me out more. I have sleep problems and have to take three at night 0.5mg each. And another during day if needed. Well k need more then that but it also helps my migraine. It has been two weeks since I had procedure done. The first day I smelled better heard better but my anxiety was everywhere and is. But then again I just started depakote which is suppose ty help migraines but makes very nervous and can t sleep . But they are red and I am allergic to red dye as it makes me hyper . Going to see doc tomorrow about
my meds. But I have tried everything . The boss procedure helps a bit. I now don't wake up in morning with migraines. Now they start mid afternoon and last all day still. Going to get docs opinion tomorrow. And go over meds. Have u ever thought u may have fibro? As they can go hand n hand....but trust me I know the pain. I have to hold the top of my head sometimes just to have a conversation. I hope u will get better....or some type of relief!!
Post Edited (miss. bee) : 2/16/2015 5:29:42 PM (GMT-7)