Posted 6/14/2015 6:08 PM (GMT -5)
I've been getting migraines since I was 9, and I am now 29. After years of failed medicines, I started taking Excedrin Migraine. I know, rebounds, the horrors. Except, it works and I never take more than 2 a day. And while pregnant a Dr suggested Benedryl, and I found that that also works. I've tried seeing a dr here and there, but I hate the thought of experimenting, and actually ending up with rebounds.
I've been working as a cashier, and my migraines have exploded. The work environment covers every last trigger. As a single Mom I have to work, and am looking for full time. I am at the point where I need a week off, just to think. Not sure if I can quit and get unemployment, but that would look horrible on a resume. Can't apply for disability without seeing a dr and on meds. Cash assistance would probably yell at me. On days off I'm still sicker than last year, but pretty sure it's stress.
Apart of me wants to see a Dr and endure the hell going off of excedrin, just to see what, if anything changes. (Like I have time to actually do that as a single mom. I could take a week off and go cold turkey but I'm scared not having a preventative, which goes back to not wanting meds. I know, I sound difficult, but with a serious illness don't we have some choice in it!?) Another part feels that once I'm ft and living on my own the migraines will ease up to where they were before and that Excedrin is only thing that works. I was out of work for awhile, that is another story, but I had full time weeks without an issue, and otherwise hardly had migraines. Started once I became cashier and job hunting. Just very fed up at how bad it has been, especially feeling like it's the pt job and my situation doing it but i am stuck until I find ft. Going to try eating healthier, brainstorming at work to change it up, and just pray something gives in the job hunt.
Anyway that is me and my story and why I am here. :D