Hi everyone,
Today I saw a neurologist for the first time and he diagnosed me with silent migraines. I've been waiting almost a year to get in to see this neurologist and finally had my appointment today.
A little background: I'm 27 years old and I've been feeling off balance for almost 6 years now. I've been to manyyy doctor's appointments, seen different specialists, done many tests... and everything has come back normal. I haven't been able to find an answer for my off balance feeling all this time.
Because of my off balance sensation I've underwent many tests over the last 5 1/2 years: 3 mris, 1 cat scan, EKG, Holter monitor, blood tests, ENG test, saw ENT, Cardiologist and then today finally saw a neurologist.
My neurologist looked at all 3 of my MRI's and said they are consistent with people who suffer from silent migraines. I think it was something about
non specific changes in the white matter at the front of my brain. Don't quote me on that though, can't remember exactly what it was he saw on MRI.. but he said it is something that is consistent with these migraines. Because of this and my symptoms he diagnosed me with silent migraines and told me they are treated with medication. He is going to start me on medication and he said it will help with the off balance feelings I have all the time. It was a great appointment, he was very informative, I liked him. He has been a neurologist for a very long time and specializes in balance disorders.
My symptoms are:
Off balance feeling all the time pretty much, with attacks or "episodes" where it gets worse for a few days or so. I find that my episodes are often right before I'm due for my period. (but not always). I have numbness occasionally on my face on the left side, around forehead. At times my head is sensitive/sore to touch in a certain area and lasts for a few days. And also I have poor circulation in fingers/toes... which neurologist told me is common in people with these headaches.
Stores with bright lights tend to make me worse (more dizzy off balance feeling). I hate grocery stores and malls. Walking down isles at the grocery store or anywhere, is torture. Too hard to focus and makes me feel very off balance.
I get brain fog and hard to concentrate. I'm tired all of the time.
Long car drives will make me worse. When I finally get out of the car my balance feels way worse for the rest of the day or even two.
My neurologist also asked me if I got car sick as a child. Which I did. He said this is really common with this condition?
Does anyone else have these symptoms with these silent migraines? I'm just learning about
them. I'm hopeful the medication will help.
This off balance feeling has been really hard to deal with and also not having answers for 6 years has been hard to deal with.. I had to take a medical leave last year because of it.
Post Edited (JessicaMommy) : 3/11/2016 6:57:37 PM (GMT-7)