Gooogle... "The LDN Homepage." This is where I found the Pharmacy that I chose. Irmat Pharmacy, on Park Avenue New York. If your DR has any questions? he can speak with Marcie, the compuonding Pharmacist Provide the LDN Homepage to your DR. Mine refused. I worked with Dr. John Sullivan in PA.
Wanting to be out in the beautiful weather, I washed my car today, just for the fun of it. The LDN is new for me, first week, and although still sick, feeling improvement. Never could have done this without the LDN. All sugars, including fruit...keep out of your diet. It helps tremendously. I just could not stick with it this time, but cut back dramatically. But with the LDN? I am feeling so optimistic, that I should be able to remove all sugars.
My best to all. Read thoroughly the LDN Homepage. A nice start. And go slow with your treatment. If you feel ill, slow down. Better to take it slow, then Herx out and need to start all over.