Hey Elizabeth,
Just thought I would say that the baclofen pump is recommended for people who are very allergic/sensitive because the dose is much much less because it is being delivered where you need it (into the spinal cord). The pain clinic told me that I am getting 1/360 of the normal oral dose. Apparently when you take meds orally they flood the whole body which can cause the allergic reaction. I was virtually allergic to everything & have had 3 anaphalactic shock reactions, one to synthetic Vit C & amino acids in chelation therapy, one to an antibiotic & one to a herbal tea. There is a clinic here that is awesome (uses advanced kineaseology) & desensed me to aneasthetics, baclofen, synthetics, & even food before the operation. So eventhough I spent 1 week in hospital getting the pump implanted I had no allergic reactions whatsoever. Hang in there I believe you will find a solution