Thank you Gretchen1, odettesmom, Ebullins & Motown John!
The responses have been uplifting to me and I appreciate it very much. Talking with others has helped me the most, especially now. I was fortunate that my Neurosurgeon noticed I was having problems and referred me to the Neurologist that I'm currently seeing. It's a drive well worth it (a little over an hour) because my Neurosurgeon didn't want me to see anyone in our city. I don't think I would have gotten diagnosed as easy if I hadn't had my spinal surgeries....I'd still be at my previous GP complaining and not getting answers. My first GP was not helpful or considerate. He just sent me to the lab each time I had an appointment and would never schedule a follow-up to discuss the results or the next step to take. I personally don't think he cared much. I always got the "you are too young" shrugg off.
I understand how it feels to be in "limbo" and not taken seriously. That adds more stress to know something's wrong but the doctor doesn't care to find it.
Gretchen1 thanks for the advice on the heartburn meds. I've gotten a RX for Nexium now for when I start the IV steroids. And yes, the gaunt of emotions flooded me and hasn't turned away yet. Before my diagnosis I told my husband that I needed a "crazy pill" b/c I had lost my mind - the crying without warning, the overwhelmed feelings, just down right depression.
Has anyone had/or having spasticity? If so how does this affect you & what is the best way to del with this that you have found? (I will be starting Zanaflex for this as soon as I get to the pharmacist to fill my RX) Just wondering if any meds have been successful in keeping this at bay.
I am very thankful that yall are on this website sharing your experiences and knowledge with me as well as others. Bless each of you.
Thank you again,