Hi there,
Just remember that no med. stops MS. Flaring, unfortunately is still going to happen. Even a med. therapy that is doing its job well will only slow down disease progression. So unless your husband truly feels that rebif is not working at all, it might be a better idea to just stay on that.
The claderbine is the probably going to be our first available oral med. It is to be released in the next 18 months or so. It is showing good promise. At this point, though, it does not seem to be more effective than the mainstream injections like rebif, copaxone, avonenx or betaserone.
By the way, you posted twice. That is against forum rules as it takes up valuable server space. You need to delete your other thread. If you look at that thread, you will see a small pencil and an X up in the corner of the text box. If you click on the X it will delete that extra thread. Thanks.