I've had a wide variety of symptoms for years that have been progressively getting worse. I have lost 30 lbs in the last 3 months. Persistent headaches. Nausea, vomiting, visual disturbances, aching joints, numbness/burning in toes, head full of cotton, inability to speak, sluggish, balance and coordination issues, inability to urinate but no UTI, a weakly positive ANA-all of this has developed over the last few months (in addition to my old symptoms).
Over the past few days I have started having an excrutiating pain. At first I tought it was a toothache, but then realized it was hurting on both upper and lower and on the same side, and my jaw all the way to my ear. It is a debilitating, stabbing and throbbing pain that lasts for about half an hour and is gone. Makes my eye water on that side too. If i do not chew on that side it usually doesn't hurt, though sometimes just brushing or touching the side of my face sets it off.
I had an MRI of the brain (without contrast) to rule out a mass. The only abnormality noted was a small venous angioma or telangiectasia on my left cerebellum. The doc who ordered the MRI referred me to a neuro. I saw him today. After looking at my MRI and doing a neuro exam (parts of which I didn't do well with), he decides I need another brain MRI with contrast and one of my neck as well. Also an EEG with visual stimulation. He is leaning toward MS or a seizure disorder.
Is the EEG thing he's talking about the same as evoked potential? Do MS plaques not show up without contrast? ANA isn't positive with MS, right? I am tired of getting diagnosis after diagnosis only to have it either taken back by the doctor or ruled out as a new symptom rears it's ugly head. The ER doctors think I'm psycho and the bills are adding up.
We have tested my thyroid, my pituitary, my adrenals, my liver, and my kidneys. I've had a CT of the abdomen. Numerous blood tests. My electrolytes are jacked up but that's probably from vomiting, etc.
Assuming I am not completely off my rocker and halucinating symptoms, does this even sound like MS?