Posted 7/21/2013 10:16 PM (GMT -5)
new to the MS forum, but have been on others...I've been relatively healthy
over the last year or two(except for the last 3 months), so I've been absent
from the forum altogether. Long story short, I have symptoms that can be
related to MS as well as other conditions. Even though I don't have a typical
MS presentation, I have a host of other autoimmune conditions and doctors are
trying to rule out MS. So far no test confirms MS, but none are clean either
(could be MS, could be something else causing abnormal results). In all
honesty, I'm more concerned about figuring out why my primary symptom
(peripheral neuropathy) is happening so that I can treat that, but none of my
doctors will address the neuropathy until they've definitely ruled out MS (or
can confirm it). I've been trying not to read too much about MS, but after 3
months I'm starting to get frustrated and am looking for any advice/similar
long version....
originally started seeing doctors in late April because I was getting tingling
in my left thumb and left big toe. I initially thought it was related to a back
injury because the symptoms started the day after I pulled my back, so I
started with an orthopedic surgeon and started with MRIs of the lumbar and
cervical region (no contrast) to rule out a herniation (which they did). By the
time I had the MRIs a few days later, the tingling was spreading up my left arm
and left leg. 95% of the time it was on my left side, but I would occasionally
get something on my right side (either arm or leg, but usually not both at the
same time).
I saw a pain specialist who, in addition to starting me on Gralise (an extended
form of Gabapentin) for the neuropathy, conducted EMGs and nerve conduction
tests on my upper and lower extremities. The tests on my legs confirmed
neuropathy in the left leg, and to my surprise, in the right leg too (actually
more pronounced in the right leg). The test indicated that the neuropathy was suggestive
of a demyelinating process. The tests on my arms were done about a week later,
at which point i was having more consistent tingling/numbness in both
hands/arms and both legs/feet. I was also getting electric shock like feelings
in both legs and occasionally an arm. I also had one episode of tingling around
my left eye. The tests on my arms did not show neuropathy, but did show
a pinched nerve on the left side of my neck. The pain specialist said that the
pinched nerve would explain left hand/arm tingling, but nothing else.
between the two EMG/nerve conduction tests, I saw my rheumatologist, who did
not think that the symptoms were related to anything autoimmune. She ran some
blood work at the pain specialist's request, which ruled out lyme disease,
showed normal B12 levels, but did show low vitamin D, an elevated CRP and high
C4 compliment. As a side note, my stomach has been acting up and my GI and I
are trying to decide if it's a return of Crohn's or IBS (both of which have
been in remission for the last 18 months....if it's Crohn's it could explain
the CRP and C4 compliment, as well as later non-specific test results).
in there, I started seeing a local neurologist. He repeated the sensory exam,
which showed no ankle reflexes and decreased cold sensation in the lower part
of both shins. He didn't think I had MS, but given my history of autoimmune
conditions, ordered an MRI with contrast of the brain and cervical spine. The
cervical spine was denied by insurance because I had just had one without
contrast when trying to rule out a herniation. The brain MRI showed a faint
inactive lesion. Even if the lesion was active, it would explain absolutely
nothing since my outward symptoms are more on my left side and the lesion is on
the left side too! (As a side note, I had brain MRIs done in 2011 and 2012 for
a different reason (probable pituitary adenoma) and the 2012 MRI showed the
inactive lesion as well...they did not see it on the 2011 MRI but these MRIs
were a different sequence of images so there's nothing conclusive as to whether
or not i had the lesion in 2011).
on the MRI results, the local neurologist ordered a lumbar puncture. The lumbar
puncture showed high levels for: MS CNS Synthesis Rate, MS IGG Index, MS IGG
Total CSF, MS IGG (LOC), MS IGM CSF, and MS IGM (LOC). Based on the MRI and
Lumbar puncture results, he referred me to the NYU MS Center. By the way, I'm
not familiar with these results - the local neurologist described them as
non-specific signs of an inflammatory response; the NYU neurologist described
them as suggestive of a demyelinating process, such as MS (but still not
confirming MS).
saw a neurologist at the NYU MS Center last week, who did her own history,
sensory exams and looked at past test results. Her sensory exams showed the
same things (plus now I don't feel a sharp prick on my lower arms and legs).
She came to the same exact conclusions as everyone doesn't look/sound
like MS, but she can't rule out MS either ....ugh!! At some point during the exam
she mentioned possibly referring me to a peripheral neuropathy
the end of the exam, I asked if I could have that referral and she said
"let's wait for more test results"...double ugh!! (If I knew how to
find a peripheral neuropathy specialist I would just make an appointment, but I
don't know where to begin looking and don't have the time to start a massive
up - I'm getting a repeat brain MRI with a higher power magnet, as well as a
cervical and thoracic MRI (all with and without contrast). The tests are being
done on Thursday, but I won't see the doctor again for 3.5 weeks. From what the
NYU neurologist told me, this set of MRIs should allow for a diagnosis one way
or the other, but this waiting is killing me (not so much because I'm on edge
about MS, but because I want to get to the bottom of the neuropathy).
this point, the neuropathy is moderately controlled by the Gralise. It's still
predominately in my left arm/hand and left leg/foot, with some presentation in
my right arm/hand and leg/foot. I've had 3-4 episodes of tingling around my
left eye, but not real change in vision. I still have some symptoms, but only
rarely need percocet (at my worst I was taking 3-4 percocet a night just to get
some sleep). I would like to treat the cause rather than the symptoms if
possible, but it's beyond me I can't get anyone to look for the cause of the
neuropathy at the same time that they try to rule out/in MS.
you made it this far, thanks for reading all the way through!