Posted 7/23/2014 3:15 PM (GMT -5)
Hello - I am new to this forum (forums in general) so I apologize in advance if I am creating a new thread instead of adding to an existing one already. I'm just looking to see if anyone else is (has been) in my shoes and looking for possible answers.
I am a 31 year old female who has a family history of MS. My mom died from complications of the more aggressive form of MS and my dad was diagnosed a year to the day of her death with MS, although his is more in the remission state than active, and his mainly affects his legs. I had been asking to be tested for MS for years because of this and was told by every doctor that I was too young (my best friend of 25 years was diagnosed two years ago and we are only six weeks apart in age), and that MS was not hereditary or genetic. Mind you this quest of mine was started several years ago before a lot of research was placed into MS.
Finally found a doctor willing to refer me to a neurologist.
MRI of the brain and neck originally showed no lesions/plaque/shadows. We did find out that I have herniated discs in the neck from c3 to c7. year later C-spine was done to check the herniation and not a surgical candidate and found out i have herniated discs in lower back..L5-S1. insurance then decided to not cover any more MRI's.
last neurologist thought i may have had a minor attack for the following reasons:
-numbness and tingling in left side of face for 3-5 minutes randomly and has caused slurred speech in those minutes
-tripping with left foot and dragging left foot, especially when walking and/or running (they think this is due to the herniated disc in lower back)..was diagnosed with "gait disorder unspecified"
-random numbness in right arm and temperature change in right arm. I am right handed and even during use, my right hand will go ice cold while my left hand is room temp or warm. also have trouble sometimes holding a pen and feeling it in my hand to sign my name or write..have also dropped objects thinking i had them.
-ENG was done in both right arm and left leg - no disturbance in nerve conduction
- was sent to ER and diagnosed with cervical strain (now thinking possible pinched nerve). woke up to go to the gym, stepped out of the bathroom and all of a sudden severe pain (10+ on scale) hit in the right side of my head, neck, right arm, chest. whole room went spinning and got that warm and fuzzy feeling just before vomiting/passing out. had no range of motion in neck except to look left. ER said cervical strain pending pinched nerve, and both resident and attending were concerned and in awe of family MS history and referred to new neurologist. mini mental status and grip tests were normal.
-Vitamin B12 deficit and oral supplements do not work so on a shot once a month. not a vegetarian or on dietary restrictions.
- Vitamin D deficient...low dose supplements did not work; had to be on 50000 units once a week for a month and levels came back up to normal range and this was never followed up on even though i asked for it to be.
-have had loss of vision suddenly where i can only see directly in front of me to where there is a black space and i have to look up or below the center of my sight focal point (this was 4 times)
- have had little gray "sparklers" in my vision at random times. i cannot figure out how to explain these..they look like little sparklers that shimmer between shades of gray and look like little squiggle marks. these happen for no reason at any time of day and can also happen when in the shower and look up or down. dr did not follow through with referral to neuro-ophthalmologist as supposed to.
- while in the shower, if looking down or up, my legs will start to have a tingle feeling in them, but cannot recreate it any other time.
-this morning woke up and had pain in my chest almost like when you need to pop your neck or knuckles. went away after a few hours, but just felt like pressure of something pressing and releasing. it did not feel like it did when i would have an exacerbation of asthma.
- still do not have full range of motion in neck without pain from first week of March 2014 when diagnosed with the cervical strain
anyone else have symptoms similar and also having a pinched nerve (possibly)? my new neurologist is aware of all of the above and cannot quite tell if it is the pinched nerve or possible MS...or something mimicking the MS. i am scheduled for a new set of brain and C-spine MRIs (with and without contrast dye) next friday. it has taken a full year of fighting with the insurance company because they refused an MRI even after all the new symptoms and the cervical strain with 4...yes, 4 doctors requesting an MRI of the brain and neck. new insurance finally approved the MRI so here's to a new hope for answers.