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Regular Member
Joined : Sep 2018
Posts : 111
Posted 4/12/2020 11:13 AM (GMT -5)
Ive been through all the blood tests, had MRI, done EEG and all come back normal. Tired of spending thousands of dollars not to have any answers. I suffer from all the symptoms of MS. Tinnitus, vision problems, tremors, muscles spasms,twitches, fatigue, severe insomnia, brain fog, balance issues( not too severe), uncontrollable anxiety, memory issues, headaches (off and on) , and many other symptoms. The MRI of my brain came back squeaky clean according to the neurologist. He was genuinely happy for me and smiling when he gave me the news. The EEG tests showed no sign of unusual brain waves either. Got tested for lyme disease all other diseases under the sun. Speaking of sun, im sensitive to the sun and was tested for lupus and came back negative. Man im all out of ideas and options. Any one else here going through the same kind of hell im going through? I know i should be happy that ive avoided these diseases but its really annoying/ scary not knowing whats wrong with you. Atleast if i know i could come up with a plan and find some way to deal with it. Oh and on top of that i have Ulcerative Colitis, that horrible disease started all this crap. I guess the silver lining with all this is that i finally have the UC under control without any medications.
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Posted 4/12/2020 7:18 PM (GMT -5)
There is no symptom exclusive to Multiple Sclerosis.
Many conditions, vitamin/mineral deficiencies, medications and mental health conditions can all cause similar symptoms as those seen in Multiple Sclerosis. Many of the other conditions overlap with one another symptom wise which can make diagnosing quite difficult unless there is positive testing that can point the Physician in a certain direction.
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Posted 4/12/2020 9:02 PM (GMT -5)
Been tested for vitamin/ mineral deficiencies multiple times, never been on any medications other than pentasa and rowasa and have been off of them for over 6 months and was never on them long, no mental health illnesses, and have been on this roller coaster ride going on a little over a year now. Ive had UC going 3 years this May and got that totally under control. I just find it extremely odd that nothing, absolutely nothing shows up on any of my bloodwork or any other tests being done on me. Since they couldnt find anything they diagnosed me with a slight case peripheral neuropathy and an unknown source of myclonus( spasms & twitches). Have body aches and joint problems and been tested for arthritis and come back with the same results.
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Posted 4/26/2020 5:49 PM (GMT -5)
Hi 61Impala: I'm normally on the fibromyalgia forum and happened to see your post as I was scrolling down the list of forums.
Your symptoms sound fairly familiar to those of us with fibromyalgia; basically all of them. I happen to have both fibromyalgia and a separate non-specific neuro condition (likely due to being severely ill as an infant, and/or to all the meds I was given at that time). I also had extensive neuro testing about
18 years ago, and my tests always came back as if there were no major issues, when of course, there were!
Have you by chance seen a board-certified rheumatologist? That may be a positive direction to take at this time.
I know how frustrating this can be--been there, done that. Wishing you the best and hoping you get clearer answers and direction!
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Posted 4/28/2020 12:08 AM (GMT -5)
Yes Ive been to a rheumatologist when i was tested for lupus and arthritis. I also experience from what can best describe as brain zaps or spasms. Only way to describe it is when you fall asleep sitting up and your head falls forward and you get that jerking feeling in your head, feels sort of like that. I get that when i close my eyes and try to fall asleep sometimes. Actually happening right now thats why im awake typing this. Looked it up and its basically what addicts get from withdrawls from being on drugs but i dont do drugs. Its very disheartening when Drs cant find out whats wrong with you. When i did the first tests and MRI it was over a year ago back in January 2019. By March of 2019 most of those symptoms went away for a few months. They came back little by little as of December 2019. I was in really bad shape in January 2019 and all my tests came back clear which makes me hesitant to go and do the tests again just to come out with the same conclusion and have spent all that money for nothing. Not a rich guy by any means.
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Posted 4/29/2020 8:09 AM (GMT -5)
I believe those are called myoclonic jerks. I used to get those before I treated for tick borne diseases. I had a super similar experience. All my symptoms seemed to line up with MS and there was a period of time I wondered if I "had" it. My symptoms were very similar to what you describe:
myoclonic jerks (arms and legs randomly jumping or snapping up)
double vision (worse in one eye)
excercise intolerance
extremely tight muscles
mental issues
Testing for tick borne illness is notoriously unreliable.
If any of your symptoms were preceded by tick bites (or other insect bites), you might want to consider exploring that more.
I am sure glad I did. It is unbelievable how similar the symptom list of MS and Lyme are. I am actually wondering how doctors differentiate since Lyme can cause spinal and brain lesions...
most of my symptoms resolved with treatments for tick borne infections
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Posted 7/27/2020 11:00 AM (GMT -5)
People i finally figured out what is wrong with me. Are yall ready for this? It was a vitamin B12 deficiency. Who in the hell would have thought that being deficient in B12 would cause all those problems. Come to find out the blood test the Drs give you for B12 are every inconclusive and the Drs know this yet thats the only test they administer to check for this. So I took it upon myself to get a genetics test done. Yes they are expensive but that was the only way this was ever gonna get discovered. All the genetic mutations pointed to a B12 deficiency. So i took the results to my neurologist and basically demanded B12 injections. So now im 6 weeks in of weekly injections and im 100% better than what i was. Im not normal yet but the majority of the horrible symptoms subsided and the the others are gradually getting better daily. I would suggest people get a genetics test done and quit messing with these drs always playing guessing games and sometimes causing more harm than good with our lives. Also could save you thousands in the end from medical bills.
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Posted 8/20/2020 1:39 PM (GMT -5)
61Impala said...
So I took it upon myself to get a genetics test done.
Hi, 61Impala. When you say a genetics test to check for B12 deficiency, what exactly is that? What kind of test is that? Is there a particular name for that test? Thanks.
Regular Member
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Posted 11/29/2020 1:35 PM (GMT -5)
Just because a lyme test is negative doesn't mean you don't have lyme or other pathogens. Lyme is a clinical diagnosis. Some people never get the typical bull's-eye rash yet they're still infected with the lyme spirochaete.
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