Thanks Gretchen and Speedy aka Popsie for your input. It is very helpful. Gretchen, I had a very high level of functioning like you for about
8 years in. I have never taken disease modifying drugs as they were not around and when they were available I have chosen to not use them as I prefer, as I have mentioned before, the natural route. Meds and my body just do not work. For the past 10 years my functioning has greatly changed as I am at this point home bound. I do have vertigo and balance issues which come and go, severe weakness in all four limbs as well as the spasticity, my cognitive issues come and go and are mainly focus, attention, and occasionally an inability to speak. Fatigue comes and goes as does occasional bladder/bowel problems. I have recently begun having issues with sensitivity to heat as well as numbness, tingling, itching and pain in my feet as well as RLS. I do Yoga and Tai Chi for exercise and flexibility everyday without fail even during major flareups when it makes my flares worse but in the end is better, I take stool softener which really helps with the bowels, I do a great deal of meditation/relaxation techniques which helps with the spasticity, I am very limited physically and have learned how to keep moving around those limitations which is the best advice for anybody with MS. Speedy, sounds like that Baclofen pump has been your saving grace!!!! I am so glad that you are able to be as mobile and functional as it sounds like you are. I am not able to type at the computer myself, I dictate to my wonderful husband who God bless him has turned hen pecking on the keys into an art form!!!
I lost the ability to drive about
4 years ago and yes you are right the upper body weakness is much more difficult to deal with than the legs. Due to my upper body weakness and its severity and the fact that the weakness has gone up into my neck and jaw I have been unable to chew for about
10 years and must blend all of my food. Talking can also be a real problem on certain days. I will say that the loss of driving has been my greatest challenge so far to accept as I, like you, felt normal and LOVE the speed!!!!!! Sounds like we have a lot in common!!!!
But even with all the issues, I continue to be so grateful for any upper/lower body function and still enjoy my life so much even though my journey is not at all what I expected before MS. I am so thankful for you guys taking the time to talk about
yourselves and I am so glad we can do it in a positive way!!!!! Negativity breeds negativity and none of us needs that!!!
Take care you wonderful women!!! Gretchen, keep up with that workout routine no matter what and Speedy, next time you are out driving, roll down the window, stick your head out and give a big
YIPPEE for me please as you are zooming down the road !!!!
Take care ya'll,