Posted 4/16/2013 9:40 AM (GMT -5)
I wonder and will be very grateful if you could shed some light on my sensory symptoms and the finding of Oligoclonal bands in my CSF not in serum.
I am a healthy and fit 51 year old Asian male. In March 2010, I developed pins and needles on my left leg and that progressed to my right leg and both trunks over a period of 8 months. Now I have constant prickly, burning and insect crawling sensation and occasional muscle twitching all over my body. I also have constant insect crawling feeling on mostly right side of my head. I also have occasional numbness in my left and right pinky and ring figures in my sleep, but goes away as soon as I am awake.
In the last twelve 24 months, I was seen by three neurologists, I have had various neurological exams and blood tests, 3 MRIs on brain and cervical, 2 MRIs on lumber/sacral, 2 EMGs/NCSs, 1 EEG and 1 SSEP and Lumber Puncture. All the results came back negative/normal, except for O Bands restricted to CSF in LP. But my Neuro absolutely dismissed MS theory as my symptom does not follow Mcdonald criteria and there is no demyelination. The following is his response. "The Oligoclonal bands are not specific to MS, and can occur for quite a long time after certain viral infections, for example, which is what I think is likely in your case. I think you will need to consider Cognitive behavioural therapy if you remain anxious beyond the next few weeks" I feel as though that the symptoms are getting worse and I am very anxious. However, I do not have any weakness in my limps, I am not tired and I started weight training (stopped due to MS worry) once again.
Have you ever come across someone like me who has constant (24 X 7) wired sensations without underlying organic problems?
I thank you in advance.