Nor do I have Lyme - I have MS period...Gretchen hit all of the sympotms and reactions that separate Lyme from MS. There are so many professional medical people out there that turn to Lyme disease because they do not kow the difference between MS and Lyme. As a person with MS and they will tell ya. so with a lerson with Lyme..
Here is part of the problem with the medical profession - at least how it is in Canada. A Physican will take 8 hours of neurological training during his tenure of study. Thats it. Alot of doctors today when asked, only know of steriods as being a treatment for MS.
My doctor, who I do have tons of respect for, asks me each and everytime I see him - are you still on Copaxone? How much longer will you be on it for? My answers do not seem to stick with him as he asks me each and every time - because neurological things as such does not even register on this guys radar.