Hi KAP, I am sorry that your and your friend Lori are suffering. I had my entire large intestine removed and had my small intestine connected to my rectum on August 27, 2008. I am remembering this day well because even though I am going through cramping and extreme discomfort the pain of 8 years of suffering with Diverticulosis, constipation, colon polyps, and IBS/GERD. You name it and I have dealt with it when it comes to diseased intestines. I had some of the same symptoms that your friend is having since he surgery. My doctor performed a procedure that stretches the connection site of the small intestine to the rectum. Apparently it is common for this site to constrict and narrow. My doctor did a Sygmoidoscopy and this was a non-invasive technique. There was no cutting or
opening me up so I call this non-evasive. They performed this through my rectum. I was sedated and what she did was once she got to the connection site she used a balloon type of instrument and stretched it
open. I went from a connection site size 3mm to a 20mm. I make a difference in the gas and digestion department. Now I don't have nausea/vomiting. I am able to drink all my massive amounts of water and not feel like I am filling up a water balloon waiting to burst. I continue to have cramping and I am on mild pain meds. I no longer suffer from constipation. As for my advise to you..... HAVE THE SURGERY!! It is a rough recovery as you know what your friend is going through. Just know that everyones body and pain level is different and not living in-and-out of the hospital is a blessing. I have suffered for the past 8 long years with intestinal dysfunction. I continue to pray for strength. I remind myself that now I am in the healing stage so I will get better. Keep us all posted with your decision. Having an awesome doctor/specialist is the key to success!
Ramamoorthy's Friend.....................