I have a more serious post on another post, but I went into surgery for charkot on July 1 abd so far so good - the leg is in one of those external devices with pins holding the structure together - no weight bearing but I am doing 3 hours of PT during the day. I go home next week and sadly have to rely on my wife again for a while. MIL has arrived in all her glory.
But the Ostomy nurse at Georgetown gave me a "Toothette tooth swab product" to clean just the tail of the bag. They are meant for the cleaning of geriatric or somehow incapacitated teeth and gums, as well as wetting the lips when water drinking is not permitted. They are green waffle like squares on a long tooth pick and they have no additives or chemicals meant for the teeth or gums. It works incredibly well and fast, and with almost no water needed. Then just throw the thing out in some tp in the mens room, or at home in a zip lock or trash where there will be no odor.
Just a few wipes after emptying does the job and I am ready for final hand cleanup...she gave me a bag of them to take home. but we are buying a box, as it would be great in my backpack. They are called toothette oral swabs, they will cahnge your life..................!