Hello All,
I am fairly new to this site. It was suggested to me that I talk to the people on this post regarding my concerns and issues.
I hope you all can help, or give some suggestions - I would so greatly appreciate it.
I am a 31 year old female and I have been dealing with slow transit mobility for as long as I can remember. about 2 1/2 years ago, I decided to pay more attention to my gi tract and wanted to help myself become more regular. So I started with the fiber, water, diet, exercise change and it only seemed to make things more heavy in my stomach. I tried miralax, stool softeners, laxatives, colonics, herbal teas, prescription meds and nothing is working to make me regular. Now, things have become much worse! After a year or so of struggling, it seems as though my gi does not respond well to any meds or supplements.
When I take meds my bowel seems to just turn to mush and sit there or swim back and forth like a FISH BOWL, but no release. When I push on my right side its all mushy and swishy sounding and my stomach makes a lot of noise - like clogged drains. When I don't take meds, I get very bloated and feel full all the time, constipated. It usually takes 4-5 days or more and then ill have a release. Most times very lil, and I still feel constipated....sometimes one big load. I feel sluggish and fatigued most days.
There are the procedures I have completed thru The GI dept:
*Colonoscopy - good
*Multiple Blood Tests - all good (checked thyroid, pancreaus, liver, etc etc)
*Endoscopy - good
*Small Bowel Transit
*Camera Capsule (for small bowel) - good
*Anorectal Neurophysiology exam: normal
*Sitz Marker (after 5 days they were spread throughout my colon - and some where still at the beginning section of my large intestines)
*Defecography exam: took 2 tries to release all the contrast in my rectum. ***more on thi**** rectocele??
*Manometry Exam: waiting on results, just took last Wednesday
Prescription Meds:
Amitza - didnt work
Zelnorm: didnt work
With all these tests down, the GI surgeon has scheduled my colon surgery: Total Colectomy (larposcopic) for June 24th. He explained to me that this surgery is highly controversal and that it is not done very often. That Colonic Inertia is a phenomonon and that doctors do not really understand it well enough. He also keeps reminding me that it is irreversable...It almost seems like he is not sure if he wants to do it or not....which worrys me.
Since he scheduled the surgery he called me and said that there may be a concern regarding RECTOCELE...I guess he is saying that I may have a 2 cm rectocele?? I am waiting to get for the GYN dept to call me to schedule an exam to determine if that is the reason for my constipation/slow transit issues.
I do not want to cancel or postpone the surgery, because I am so anxious and hopeful for recovery and the end of my constipation. I dont want to miss something at the same time. So, now I am going back and forth with what to do and how to move forward.
1) For those of you who have had a TOTAL COLECTOMY, did your systems sound similar to mine? How did you feel before the surgery and how are you now?
2) For those of you with RECTOLCELE, what were/are your systems? Have you had surgery to repair the rectocele and if so how did you feel before and how do you feel now?
Any expereinces will help...I am up for some big decision making - and I want to try and make the most logical and sensible decision.