You are doing the right thing, and everything will be fine. Try to focus on the fact that you are going to be cured from UC in just a few days!
Never again will you have to sprint to the bathroom or have pain after eating. The pain from the surgery is temporary and will be managed with pain medicine.
I recommend asking your CR surgeon for a pain pump, so you can press the button and get a dose of pain medicine as needed. If you didn't have one, you would have to call the nurse and wait for them to show up with medicine, which sometimes can take a half an hour, if they are helping another patient.
Bring a robe and slippers and WALK, WALK, WALK as much as you can after surgery. It will help wake up your small intestine, so you will start getting output. The sooner that happens, the better. Walking helps get trapped gas to move through, too. It can be so painful when it's trapped, so also bring some chewable Gas-X with you. I had to ask the nurse for some, and it took several hours for her to reach the doctor to get their approval and then get it from the pharmacy.
Please remember that the bag you will have on after surgery is NOTHING like the one you will be using on a regular basis. There is this huge wax ring that they use after surgery to attach it to you, and it hurts like crazy to get it off, because it pulls every hair out on your belly! I highly recommend shaving the side of your stomach where the stoma is going to go before surgery. If it's an ileostomy, then shave to the right of your belly button. Also, ask the nurse for adhesive remover wipes to use to remove that wafer. It will save you a lot of unnecessary pain.
They will hook you up with an ostomy nurse in the hospital, who will show you what you need to know and do and will give you free supplies, and we are here to help, as well. If you can bring your laptop to the hospital, that would be good, so we can keep in touch.
Those are the most important things I can think of right now. I'm praying that your surgery goes perfectly!