Posted 11/10/2010 8:45 AM (GMT -5)
I had a 5 hour resection, due to rectal cancer (1 inch tumor barely inside), 90% removal of my sigmoid, 15 inches of colon above that, creation of a temporary colostomy (near my left ovary, sorry I know that's very specific in colon terms), and laparoscopic removal of gall bladder (unrelated to my cancer but a pre-op cat scan revealed I had hundreds of gall stones, so since I was under my surgeon said "we'll get that too"). My surgeon referred to my surgery as the blue plate special that day. I was a MESS. In severe pain for 4 straight weeks.
My ostomy reversal/takedown surgery was nothing compared to my resection. Oh I had pain but it wasn't near as severe as it was from my resection.
Anytime I hear of someone having a colon resection, with a traditional abdominal incision (mine was vertical, navel on down, 6 inches long) I know how very painful that can be to recover from.
You can recover from a surgery like mine but wow, it is very difficult. I would say a prayer at bedtime, please God let my pain be gone in the morning, but it persisted for 4 full weeks. Each morning, there it was to greet me. My kids were 4th and 7th graders, it was a very rough time in my life. I had to keep going each day - with only Tylenol to treat my pain.
You'd think I'd forget those days, but reading a topic like this, brings it all back - I remember exactly how I felt back then, 11 years ago. I felt just awful! It was much more painful than childbirth. Not to frighten anyone but I should be honest.