Posted 3/16/2012 11:54 AM (GMT -5)
This thread is great, I'm glad it got started! My first surgery/hospital stay, I had a great roommate. She was a bit older than I, but we had been diagnosed with the UC the same year. She was in because of a bad flare, and we had a lot of good talks about the way UC affects day-to-day living and how we cope with it (well, "coped" for me- I was finally living UC free!) We are still in contact every now and then and I've been sharing with her what going through the surgeries has been like, as she feels that she will be heading down that road soon. So, I was blessed with a great roommate that time!
My second surgery I had a Russian woman who I at first thought was whiney, but then she turned out to be pretty nice.
When I went in for the abcess surgery.... that's a whole nother story! I was in the step down unit for about 7 days, I think. There were three other patients there besides myself. The two across the room from me were great- I felt a special connection with one of them, a lady who I later found out was battling cancer, and we would wave and smile at each other and give thumbs up when we saw the other one getting up to walk or whateer. The first person I had directly next to me was this crazy lady from Brooklyn (great accent) who just talked and talked, either on the phone or to her visitors or to whoever would listen, really. I was out of it most of the time, but when I was awake I couldn't wait for her to leave. When she finally did go, I thought maybe there would be some peace and quiet for a bit.... boy, was I wrong! That night a guy got wheeled in who had had back surgery. I guess there wasn't room for him anywhere else and he needed to be in a step down or something. I don't know, but he was crazy. The whole next day he was constantly saying things to the female nurses that, to me, seemed borderline harrasment, and he put up a big fuss saying that the hospital was going to make him pay them for the medications he had brought from home- they had been brought down to the pharmacy, checked out and then marked with a sticker, which he was sure meant they would be billing him. He went on and on and I just wanted to tell him to shut up. Lol. I could tell the nurses were getting aggravated as well, though I admire the way they kept their calm and explained very articulately (like three times) that he would not be billed for bringing his own meds. That evening, I'm not sure what happened, but I guess he had a drain and when they were emptying it or something, the nurses did something (I could not figure out what) that just ticked this guy off- he freaked out telling them they were being very unsanitary and that they were going to get him infected and kill him. He got so worked up that they called his doctors to come explain to him that whatever it was that had happened was not going to kill him. Then the nurse manager had to come and try to calm him down as well. He told them he was going to pull the drain out himself, right then, because the nurses had infected him with staph. The doctor was like, "Listen, your hands are not clean. You are the one who will be getting yourself infected if you do that." And the guy responded, "My hands are completely clean! You don't know what you're talking about!" Followed by a lot of cursing and yelling and whatever. I was on the other side of the curtain about to have a panic attack- I started crying and breathing heavy and getting very scared that this guy was going to get physical or something. My dad stuck his head around the corner at one point and asked if the man could lower his voice, you're upsetting the other patients. The man cussed my dad out and I got even more upset. So..... after the doctors and nurses calmed him down with lots of reassuring and whatnot, the man finally agreed to stay the night, but said he was going to leave first thing in the morning. Thank goodness. (Of course the docs wanted him to stay, I think the back surgery he had just had was pretty major.) He checked himself out the next day, against medical advice. I sometimes wonder what happened to him, if he healed properly or ended up in another hospital...