Posted 4/17/2012 10:46 PM (GMT -5)
Hi all, hope everyone is doing well. I have been very busy so I haven't checked in lately but I am catching up tonight.
I had some struggles adjusting after my surgery (total colectomy w/ileorectal anastomosis) but I recently felt like I could deal with things well enough to really get things going with my life. I also turn 26 in a few months so I need to be working full-time so I will have health insurance when that time comes.
So I had my first interview last week, and I got the job. My first day was Monday, and I also worked today. I work about 10 hours a day, 5 days a I have been adjusting to getting up MUCH earlier than I had been, and I am very active on my feet all day, so much so - that the only time I get to sit down is when I go to the bathroom!!!
Anyways, one thing has really been bothering me since Monday morning - GAS! I was not very gassy prior to monday, usually just in the evening or after eating a meal, and it didn't really have a smell. But these past 2 days, and even right now...I seriously have had stomach noises and gas ALL DAY LONG...and sorry for the info but it does not smell pleasant. I have not changed anything I am eating so I can't figure out for the life of me what it could be??!
I don't know if it's nerves (i don't really feel anxious though)...or if walking and standing a lot make you more gassy...I just don't know what to do. I can't let it out around people and I can't keep holding it does anyone have any tips on what could be causing it or how to get it to ease up? I would appreciate ANYTHING.
Hugs to you all,