Posted 3/4/2014 12:37 PM (GMT -5)
Hi Ali, I read this post, and wanted to share with you my experience with a rash that lasted more than 6 months, it was a nightmare. It has been gone for about a month now. I tried everything on the market, nothing helped, tried staying away from certain foods etc. I found out what the cause of my rash was. I had prayed to know the answer, and I got my answer! I had been using Huggie baby wipes, the first thing that happened was that I developed a hemorrhoid (outside) never had one before, then a couple days later the rash started, between buttocks, this went on for over 6 months. I ran out of Baby wipes and purchased another box, continued to use them more than ever because of hemorrhoid. Finally after using up this second big box, I went to buy another one and they were out of that brand so I purchased another brand (Walmart)
I was out of the wipes for about 3 days before I went to purchase more. I noticed that the rash had gone away, I did not know why. I was thinking it would flare up again any day but it didn't. In about week I was watching TV and a doctor was on the news describing this horrible butt rash in babies that was like and epidemic, because of a chemical in the wipes called Methylisothiazolinone (MCI), he told a couple of brands that had the chemical and Huggies was one of them, then I realized that it was the baby wipes causing the problem. The doctor said the good news is stop using them and the rash goes away! The hemorrhoid also went away the same time the rash left, I believe it also caused the hemorrhoid! Another brand name was Cottonelle moist wipes made by Kimberly-Clark. The rash has never come back, I do not use those wipes,
I also discovered that the chemical was also in the Body Wipes that the hospital gave to my Mom, to use in the hospital, she was there for a few days, and we brought them home with us, as soon as I knew I checked
and the same chemical is in them. We threw them all in the trash! I wish hospitals knew about this. I don't know if this could be your problem, however maybe posting may help someone.