I was hospitalized three times for dehydration. First time was about a month post op (if that). I remember drinking Gatorade and it just did not agree with me. I was at the computer and noticed my bag was filling up rapidly. My fingers and toes started feeling tingly and I got woozy. I called to my husband and he called the EMT's. They tried to get me to drink water but I started vomiting. My heartrate was also very fast. That is when they decided they better get me to a hospital. They set me up with IV's ASAP and kept me in the hospital a few days.
Second and third times occured this past summer. I did a no no by sunbathing in 100 degree heat at the Jersey shore and then going into the casino and drinking a mudslide. I thought I drank enough water, but apparently not. During the night, same thing as above, diarrhea and nausea. However, this time hubby got scared because I became confused. Still don't remember him taking me to the hospital (this was down the shore). They kept me a few days down there too. Then, the following week I contracted an intestinal virus...back to the ER.
At least it was one of our local hospitals. The doctor there told me when things like that occur, it is virtually impossible to hydrate oneself sufficiently with an ostomy. I guess it comes with the territory.
I learned a few lessons.....stay out of hot sun, do NOT drink alcohol...even one drink..without drinking a LOT of water afterwards.