Posted 1/8/2013 11:34 PM (GMT -5)
That is an immediate reconnect, which I was, I have not had a colostomy bag. What my surgeon did was remove all but 6 inches of the large intestine, and took 2 feet off the small one to have a good area to connect to.
That was exactly a year ago (wow! where did the time go?) And if by "back to normal" you mean solid, formed predictable bowel movements... then no, I am not normal yet. I go about 20 minutes after eating, and have to drink TONS of water (dehydration is VERY common)..and if you do not have any appetite or eat very little, then you pass lots of bile (and trust me it burns no matter what end it comes out of!)
BUT you need to remember, it is different for everyone. I had some complications as well, for example, I had to have a partial hysterectomy at the same time...then I ate something with wheat contamination ( I also have celiac), and ended up back in the hospital for 3 weeks, as that shut down my entire digestive system..
And I have had a few blockages, and then an ovarian cyst that wrapped around the "good" intestine I have left and that had to come out..and now I have another cyst, (the first one was grapefruit sized, and this one is apparently "smaller" at the size of a baseball).. but don't get discouraged.
If your doctor thinks this is what needs to be done, then it all boils down to how much you trust his judgement, and if you are comfortable with it.
While I can tell you that aside from all of this other "crap" (pun intended...haha), I do feel better than I did pre-op.
And I will tell you what I told one surgeon that saw me but refused to help..he told me that I didn't understand what it meant to have a colostomy bag...that it is a life changing move. I told him "NO,you don't understand. A colostomy bag is a bag of crap you deal with, life changing is NOT getting the help I need and NOT seeing my 10 year old grow up, and NOT seeing my grandbabies get bigger..THOSE are life changing things to me, a colostomy? Just more crap you deal with in a different way."
He politely threw me out of his office :) And if that was his attutiude, I wouldn't have felt comfortable with him as my surgeon.
Hope my ramblings answered some of your questions.. best of luck!