I have had my take down surgery with JPouch.
I'm in recovery from surgery.
What meds can I NOT take with the JPouch?
I've been told I'm okay to take pretty much anything I want as long as I don't take anything with time release since It may or may not be in my system long enough to work the entire time. Then my doc said I could take a 12 hour alleve.
Opinions? I always figure those with the JPouch know a little more than those without. I know for a fact I've learned more from people on this board than any of my WOC nurses. :) No dig against them but they only know what they learned in the classroom. My regular RN who had an ostomy in her past taught me lots more and gave me many more hints than the WOC nurse that never had one.
Thanks for any info you have and can pass on!
Also.. Any vitamins a known problem? There is one that helps hair growth I'm very interested in since I lost my waist length long hair between surgeries 1 and 2.
Jen S