Posted 9/10/2013 9:20 AM (GMT -5)
Like you, I was suppose to get another barium done 6 weeks after my first one. During that waiting period I ended up developing strictures by my stoma, so everything was blocked. Nothing could move through the stoma. I had a new stoma made. My surgeon also did some repair work on the pouch. Now every 6 weeks I get an exam under anesthesia done to scope the pouch.
My last scope was a few weeks ago and my pouch is showing improvement, but it is going to be a slow process. My body sucks at healing, probably due to my past use of prednisone, remicade, and humira. I just started a new job so I am thinking my reversal won't happen until Spring.
My situation isn't typical. You should be good to go after 6 weeks. I know what you mean by wanting to get it over with!